Monday, April 14, 2008

What motivates us to succeed?

Running... Its like a drug is for an addict. The first time I tried it, it was because I was talked into trying it. Did not really want to. I did not want to feel that sensation of breathing so hard my lungs hurt. I did not want to feel my legs ache, my shins become sore and my side cramping. Each time I began to run again, I found that my breathing became less labored. The cramping went away. Then one day it happened on a long run. I hit the zone. Like a junkies perfect high, I had become part of the trail. Part of the environment around me. My feet felt light and my breathing effortless.... As I begin my journey this summer to get back into the shape that I was, I look foward to hitting that pinnicle again. The feeling that nothing and no one can slow me down.

Check out this inspirational video: Whenever I feel down or bummed out about my injuries or my slow recovery back to running, I watch this story about a Man and his love for his Son. If this guy can do this for his kid, it makes my comback seem miniscule.


Doug Lepo said...

The inspirational video can speak to all of us in some way. Glad it helps you.

Heal quickly.

Anonymous said...

i'm still wiping tears away from my eyes from that video. i have seen it before and it made me cry too. it's incredibly moving and heartfelt. absolutely beautiful.

i originally started running to lose weight. it took a few months for me to hit that high that i had always heard my dad talk of. it was during training for my first half marathon that i hit the moment you spoke of. my legs moved on their own, my breathing was perfect and i could converse easily with my sister while we ran together. at this point i KNEW it was what i wanted to do. unfortunately it was after my third half marathon that the compartment syndrome hit hard and my running future has been put on hold. but in the back of my mind is that day of the perfect 18km run...and that is what motivates me to get through the recovery and back to running!

- nzlife (from the runner's world forum)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that video; I hadn't seen it before nor heard of the Hoyts.

It's the most amazing thing I've seen.

- re-learning (from the runner's world forum)