Monday, March 3, 2008

Insomnia: too much on my mind

Woke up at 0300 today and can not sleep. Sitting here at my computer drinking a nice hot cup of coffee. As I peak out the window of my office, the street lights are reflecting off of the snow and ice that covers my subdivision. I can not believe it is going to be spring soon. I spoke to my neighbors yesterday and informed them of my impending surgery. Mrs. V is a Physical Therapist who is a stay home mom for now. She had some good ideas for equipping my bathroom with either a higher seat or using a walker to be able to sit down post surgery. I did not even think that with both legs being done, I really can not bear weight on one leg over the other... So something as simple as sitting could be painful... I also have to call Human Resources at my company today and figure out my medical leave. What a pain in the A**. I looked at some pictures of my last long race. I can not believe it has been 5 years since I was able to run a half marathon. These pictures were taken at the Rock n Roll half marathon at Virginia Beach. I ran hard for 11 miles and then I experienced foot drop. Totally lost the ability to lift my foot up correctly. Dragged it home for the next 2 miles and finished the race.

Mile 10. right before my foot drop. Like those compression socks?

The gang back in the room at Virginia beach. Notice the ice to my left leg. Foot back to normal within an hour after race.

I will get back!!!

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