Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sick of Winter

Went to the gym today for a workout. I would have rather jumped on my mountain bike or just went for a long walk around my house, but it is 20 degrees F and snowing with wind gusts at 20mph. I spent 20 minutes on an elliptical with no symptoms, however that changed when I jumped on the tread climber. After about 20 minutes of walking at 3.5 mph at various grades, my right leg began to cramp and burn as if I was running. I pushed it to 30 minutes. I look forward to working out and not being slowed down by this cramping type of pain. I also worked on some ankle strengthening exercises. I figure that the stronger I can make my ankle before surgery, the easier the recovery. Don't know if it will work, but I figure it cant hurt. A month to go......

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